Is Diabetes? or Obesity? the easiest incurable disease to cure?
Anti-interesting eg. 'when an incurable disease is cured.'
I learned a new word yesterday. Anti-interesting. Eric Weinstein uses it in this video just past the 12 minute mark, saying “anti-interesting phenomena is something that would normally be fascinating… and nobody wants to report on it.” He continues, “And it’s right there. You could ask the dumbest questions, and it would (be obvious)… Nobody does. Ever.” We can see a similar concept anti-information, information that would normally be interesting, even fascinating, but nobody wants to know it. Anti-information is information about an anti-interesting topic.
When an incurable disease is cured, the phenomenon becomes anti-interesting. Claims of diseases cured are not misinformation, not mal-information, not disinformation, they are anti-information. Claims of the “cause of the cure,” even more, if that is possible, more-anti-information.
Diabetes and Obesity
This article is about Type 2 Diabetes. When I use the term diabetes, unless otherwise stated, it refers to Type 2.
Searching for diabetes cures is fascinating. Diabetes organizations exist around the world, fundraising to find a cure.
In May 2015, I surveyed diabetes organizations and cure claims and blogged about it. I could not find a single organization that had found a single case of diabetes cured. In my local library, I found ten books about diabetes. Eight were about “not cures." Two were about cures. I recently updated the survey of diabetes organizations - nothing has changed. Officially, diabetes is an incurable disease. But there are many historical and current claims of diabetes cured. What about them?
Diabetes cured is anti-interesting. When a case of diabetes is cured, reporters might ask the dumbest questions, and it’s right there. It’s not just uninteresting, it’s anti-interesting.
And what happens when a case of obesity is cured? Frankly, obesity cured is uninteresting. After all, everybody knows the cure for obesity. It’s trivial: eat less and exercise more. There’s just one problem: it’s a theoretical cure, one that works in theory, but it consistently fails in practice.
Obesity cured is also anti-interesting. Maybe it wasn’t really a cure. Maybe it will come back. Everybody knows diets don’t work. A drug to cure obesity, on the other hand, that could be interesting. Profitable.
Historically, diabetes and obesity are rare. In the first century AD, the famous physician Galen reportedly encountered two cases of diabetes - in his entire lifetime. One hundred years ago, an obese person was a freak at the circus. Today, it could be two people next to you on your flight to Las Vegas.
Historically, many cured cases are known. Back before modern medical science, cases of obesity and of diabetes were reported cured. There was a healthy debate about the veracity of cured claims. But there was no science to prove cured. Today, little has changed. No cures can be recognized, much less proven. Cured claims are anti-interesting. The cure was not a drug. Not patentable. Not profitable. No insurance company will pay for a cured case of any disease - independent of an already approved treatment.
Cured is not medically defined for diabetes, nor for obesity. Doctors can diagnose obesity and diabetes. There are tests. Doctors are not trained to diagnose cured. In many cases, the are trained to not diagnose cured. They have no scientific or medical test for diabetes cured, nor for obesity cured. Studies of treatments for diabetes are interesting, profitable. Studies of cured cases are anti-interesting. Most of today’s medical journals simply refuse to consider them, much less publish them.
Cures for diabetes are well known. Dozens of books advise how to reverse diabetes, how to conquer diabetes, how to cure diabetes. But they are not well studied. Nor are the cured patients. Cured cases are anti-interesting, not studied, much less studied scientifically. Without a definition of cured, cured cases cannot be studied scientifically when they occur.
Obesity is a new disease. It used to be a status, or a condition, only recently classified as a disease. The cure for obesity is, in theory, trivial. But successful cases, cured cases, are anti-interesting.
Diabetes and Obesity Linked
Over 90% of people who have diabetes also suffer from obesity. Over 20 percent of people who are obese are also diabetic. Are diabetes and obesity just different consequences of the same underlying causes?
About Cures
Note 1: I am not a doctor. Note 2: No medical association respecting doctor dares claim to cure disease, much less to cure a disease designated as incurable.
I study the theory of cure. Theoretically, there are many cures for any curable illness. The cure is to address the cause(s). A cure is an action, not a thing. Every cause might be addressed by many different actions. The illness is cured when the cause has been successfully addressed. When the signs and symptoms have faded and gone. When no more medicines are required. No cure is permanent. If we cure a flat tire caused by a nail, by removing the nail and repairing the damage, another nail might cause another case of flat tire disease. No cure is perfect. Life goes on. Living things grow, heal, and ultimately deteriorate and die, regardless of cures and not cures.
A present case of illness is cured when its PRESENT cause has been successfully addressed. There is no such thing as a root cause - every cause has a cause. Modern medicine tracks thousands of PAST causes of many diseases - including diabetes and obesity. However, past causes are in the past. They cannot be accessed to cure a present illness, unless they are also presently causing the disease.
What is the present cause, the cure cause of diabetes? A cure cause is the one which, when successfully addressed, produces a cured state.
Unfortunately, currently, medically, a disease is cured when it is treated by an approved medicine or medical treatment that can produce a cure, and the treatment produces a cure. All other non-approved cures are ignored, even shamed, anti-interesting. There are no approved cures for diabetes or obesity. But wait, there’s more. There are no approved cures for ANY non-infectious disease from arthritis, to back pain, Crohn’s, cancer, depression, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, gout, hypertension, immune diseases, jaundice, kleptomania, and many more. Diabetes and obesity are non-infectious diseases.
It is not even possible to find a cure for a non-infectious disease. Cured is not medically, not scientifically defined for non-infectious diseases.
Curing Obesity
The obvious cure for obesity is found in diet and exercise: eat less, exercise more. As previously stated, that’s the theoretical cure, but it doesn’t work in practice. Or does it? There are hundreds, thousands of different dietary changes. Thousands of types of fasting. Lent is fasting. Ramadan is fasting. Neither is intended to cure obesity. Neither cures obesity. Giving up specific foods, ice cream, beer, or apple pie temporarily or permanently, is fasting. But it doesn’t cure anything.
But sometimes, fasting cures obesity. When does this happen? Starvation, extreme fasting, cures obesity. However, this approach has a serious problem. When we starve ourselves, we get hungry. Our bodies, minds, spirits, even our communities try to feed us. In theory it works. In practice, it fails. We eat because we have to eat to live.
There is another well know cure for obesity, although rarely stated as such.
Jordan Peterson reported to at a Senate Roundtable on Sept 27, 2024, “Many, many people have communicated… that the typical obese person can expect to lose 7 to 20 pounds per month on a ketogenic or plant free ketogenic diet.” Peterson did not use the word cure.
Is that a cure for obesity? It would be, except for the fact that obesity cured is not medically defined, so obesity cure cannot be medically defined.
How does this cure work? The person adopts a ketogenic diet. They lose weight. They are no longer obese. The cure takes time. After the cure is completed, if the person changes their diet - back to the way it was before the cure, the illness might occur anew. An illness is not a thing that can go away and come back. It is caused by the cause. If the cause is addressed - it is cured. If the cause occurs again, like the nail in a tire, the illness occurs again.
This cure is slow. We should expect that. Becoming obese takes time. Curing obesity takes time as well. A person who is 200 pounds overweight might take from 10 months to 2 years to cure their obesity. If they resume their unhealthy eating - in another 10 months to 2 years, they might be obese again. There is little mystery here. If they stop the cure - they might be partially cured, but our medical systems cannot recognize partially cured either.
There are some interesting details. Ketogenic diets do not cause hunger. People on a ketogenic diet might feel a common desire to eat, but they are not suffering from hunger - the diet provides sufficient nutrients. Some cultures, like the Inuit of northern Canada, live almost entirely on a ketogenic diet.
Diabetes Cured?
Diabetes is a faulty processing of sugars, an impaired glucose tolerance. The cure is a transformation of the sugar processing system, such that sugars do not cause the problem. The cure is an attribute transformation. A one-time cure. But, if the sugar processing systems break again - a new case of the disease will occur.
How can we fix the sugar processing, the glucose tolerance of a diabetic?
Historically and still today many fasting diets have cured cases of diabetes.
Cases of diabetes cured during the second world war were caused by food shortages. There are many other historical references to curing diabetes with fasting. Not hard to find. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, in Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder, 2012, wrote, “We know we can cure many cases of diabetes by putting people on a very strict starvation-style diet, shocking their system—in fact the mechanism had to have been known heuristically for a long time since there are institutes and sanatoria for curative starvation in Siberia.” A cure is present when the body’s sugar processing is repaired. In each case, if the sugar processing system is abused again, it can be damaged, and a new case of the disease can occur.
The Newcastle Biomedicine study, reports that: “Type 2 diabetes is caused by a small amount of excess fat inside the liver and inside the pancreas. It is a potentially reversible condition.” What’s the difference between reversal and cure? Medical science is interested in reversal. Cured is anti-interesting.
Further information on the research on Reversing Type 2 Diabetes (again using the word "‘reversing’ rather than cure) reported: “There is good reason to believe that longer duration type 2 diabetes can be reversible, although after 10 – 15 years of diabetes it is likely that not everyone will be able to achieve a return to normal glucose control, despite major weight loss.”
The cure for diabetes? A calorie restricted diet. The same as the theoretical cure for obesity. There were some problems in the studies. Many people failed to stick to the diet. We should not be surprised.
What about a ketogenic diet. Does an all meat diet cure diabetes? We don’t know. Why don’t we know? Because diabetes cured is anti-interesting. The Newcastle research studied a starvation diet, not a ketogenic diet. There are many who claim it does cure diabetes. Proof, on the other hand, is not possible. Anti-interesting.
Depending on the severity of the condition, pre-diabetes, minor, moderate, or severe diabetes, and the strictness of the diet, the cure might be rapid - a few days, or slower. But most cases can be cured within a few weeks. There might be many additional diseases caused by the diabetes. These might, or might not be cured by the diabetes cure. Complex diseases require complex cures.
A Cure is a Transformation
The cure for obesity is a transformation of the body. The cure for diabetes is a transformation of the body’s sugar processing systems. Once a cure is accomplished, once the cured status is attained, the patient is cured, able to consume some sugars without danger. The curative diet does not need to be permanent. But if sugar consumption is excessive, a reverse transformation occurs. A new case of diabetes, or a new case of obesity can occur. The prior case was cured.
Does being obese, or having diabetes, once cured - make the individual more likely to become obese diabetic after the cure? We have no idea because we cannot document any cures, much less study their long term consequences.
Which is easier?
Curing diabetes is faster, therefore easier. It takes less time. But, diabetes can be mild, moderate, severe, morbid, or deadly. The more severe the diabetes, the longer the patient has been diabetic, the more difficult the cure, the more time it might take.
Curing obesity takes more time. Harder. The more obese the patient, the longer it takes.
What if it doesn’t cure?
Cured is a continuum.
An illness might be completely cured, partially cured, or a little cured. This is most obvious with obesity, less obvious with diabetes. We can easily see and measure that an obese person has lost a lot of weight. It’s harder to know that a diabetic is partially cured.
What if a ketogenic diet doesn’t cure a case of diabetes or obesity?
the most common additional effects of a temporary ketogenic diet are improvements in healthiness.
Not News - Anti-News?
Obesity cured is not news. Diabetes cured is not news. It’s anti-news. Friends and neighbors might be amazed. Doctors might shake their heads. They know, like news media, that discussion is to be avoided. Cure research and cure successes are anti-interesting.
Ketogenic Cures?
How many other medical conditions are also cured by a ketogenic diet?
Officially, we have no idea. Officially, obesity cured is anti-interesting, diabetes cured is anti-interesting. There is not just “no interest” there is active “avoidance of the topic.”
Ketogenic cures are also anti-interesting. They are not medicines that can be patented and sold for profit. They cannot be approved in our current medical systems.
As previously stated - I am not a doctor. I cannot prescribe any cures for diabetes or obesity. But neither can any doctor. If you want to cure diabetes or obesity, check out these resources:
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes video
There are many more anti-interesting sources of cures.
to your health, tracy
Author: A New Theory of Cure